Sunday, September 26, 2010

Harvard is Exempt

So, this week, I guess Harvard was able to do what no one else can, because, well, it's Harvard. When the "don't ask, don't tell" policy in the military wasn't changed, Harvard decided they had enough, and will no longer allow ROTC and it's members access to their campus. Don't get me wrong, they have every right to run their institution however they want, but it's their arrogant way of doing things that I struggle with. Are they the only ones who can take a stand without being called intolerant?

Their way of arguing is no different than the way any of us try to make a point. They make decisions based on a core set of values that in turn drive the decisions they make as an institution. We all live from a core set of values that shape who we are and the decisions we make. Whether we're pro-choice or pro-life, an advocate of traditional family values or a more liberal definition of what it means to be a family, a Quran-burning preacher from Florida, or a flag burning Muslim from Iran; we are all shaped by a core set of beliefs that shape how we live and react to our world.

So, this week, Harvard acted on theirs. They have their critics, sure, but there are many that aren't even aware that this decision was made because the press didn't tell us, unlike the story about a preacher from a small church in Florida who's one act created an international stir. For the record, I don't agree with what he was threatening to do, or attempting to say, but I think he has the right to express his opinion, just like Harvard.

I find myself growing weary of this conversation, where one side is justified in their argument. I say again that there has to be a more hopeful voice in this and it often comes from those who, more times than not, remain silent so they won't be labeled one thing or the other. Extreme sections of our tribe already make it difficult for us to be intolerant for the things we should not tolerate. More times than not we choose silence and grace over picketing and arguments; but you won't read about that in the press either.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Extremist are everywhere

So, no one should be shocked by what is taking place this week. Threats from extremists, hiding behind their faith, have been around since man got themselves kicked out of the garden. People have been burning flags and holy texts for centuries, all in the name of freedom of expression.

Remember Timothy McVey, not like we could forget him. He was an extremist who was ticked off at our government and the way they handled, well, extremists. Remember David Koresh, he was an extremist who used the same Bible I do to justify what he did. Who is right; one can only hope he isn't, right?

So, the Muslim cleric that wants to put the Mosque in the same proximity of the former World Trade Centers, who one might call an extremist, is ticking off the other extremists, and now they are coming out of the woodwork. Pastors from both Tennessee and Kansas vow that if Terry Jones won't burn a Quran, they will. A man from Wyoming, who apparently no one knows very much about, is going to burn a copy of the Quran on the steps of the state house. For years, Muslim's have burned the American flag, with dummies dressed to look like everything from presidents, to now Terry Joneses. Crazy you say.

Well, it's just beginning. Now Muslim's in the Gaza strip are burning copies of the Bible, and threatening Christians that live in their city and region. Christians are calling out for help and protection, not the first time this has happened either, is it? And here we all sit, Christians, Buddists, and Muslim alike.

I don't want to believe that any of us think this is what God intended when he created us, in his image. We argue all the time what we think he did create us for, and what he is moving us toward, but I want to think we can all agree, this isn't it.

If this isn't it, then what is? Is it possible for us to find a more hopeful way to live in this life? Will the extremist always get all the press?

The reality is that abortion clinics will continue to be bombed, as well as government buildings, churches, mosques, shopping centers, with people getting in the way all the time, because extremists are everywhere. But for what? For what end? The glory of God? Really?

Here's one person who hopes, that the hopeful end we all lean into while living life in the here and now, can some day play a role in helping us understand heaven a little better on this side. And here's one person who hopes, and prays, that what we see and hear today, isn't it. Is that too extreme?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Big Brother living

The big brother. The one who won't go into the party, let alone welcome his little brother back, 'cause he would not be seen with "him". This is a tough one for me, since I tend to lean this way.

See, I was a pretty good kid growing, and too often was told how good a kid I was. Although I had it all together on the outside, there were some things that I was really struggling with, that I had to hide, because I was a good kid. I was living the life of the older brother.

In some ways, this life is tougher, because it is often a life filled with secrets. It's not that we want to live with secrets, but because we are so good and everyone knows it, we have the pressure on us of not letting anyone down. I'm a firm believer in boundaries for those that don't know any better, and believe me, when I was 15, I didn't know what I knew, let alone what I didn't know; boundaries, and a healthy fear of my dad, saved me many times. It's when you have to grow up that this become complicated.

See, you've always been the good kid. You've never questioned authority, hasn't really been a reason to; until a little brother comes around, and your confronted, smack dab in the face, by the reality of grace. Then you deal with all kinds of feelings, like they don't deserve it, you've lived a life by the rules and expectations, so why do they get all the favors; why do the breaks all fall to them. It just isn't right. Big brother living.

It's alive and well in the church too. Here's what I mean. I remember being a sophomore in college, and feeling called to youth ministry. We had an evangelist in for revival, who was going to share his story, and talked about it all week. Saturday night was the night to bring your non-Christian friends to hear his story. Long story short, he shared a dark, sordid story of his past life of sin, and how God had saved him out of that life. We all applaud the great displays of God's love and grace, but what about those who are living every day, simply, step-by-step. I remember leaving that service thinking not only did I have nothing to offer students, but I didn't have anything to offer God.

I hadn't had multiple affairs, I had barely dated. I never drank a drop of alcohol, let alone been a clubber. I hadn't gone through divorce, been a drug addict, slept with multiple women; my story was pretty puny. Had I missed out? Was my life cheapened? Did I have a testimony? Those were the questions I was wrestling with, and am too ashamed to tell you some of what I thought about that evangelist. IT JUST WASN'T FAIR!! Big brother living.

I found myself focusing on the wrong things; it wasn't so much the great life I was living in relationship with God, it was the puny one that I had to live. It wasn't a celebration of the things God had saved me from, but I was left wondering what that life was like, and if my testimony would be better with a little spice thrown in, if you know what I mean. Bitter, resentful, fanticising, and unhappy. What a way to live.

Big brother living. Never happy with where you are. Always wondering where they are.

Glad I don't have to worry about that any more; it's just you're problem.

Okay, seriously, there has to be another way.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Seinfeld Post

I was sitting in my living room this morning watching the news, and there were some things being said that created some emotion to be felt by me. So I thought I would write about them.

The first concerns an issue that is affecting all of us, and many of us are currently concerned about, it really upsets a lot of us, and makes some of us very upset.

That made me think of something that happened in Walmart last night, that also ticked me off. I hate how it made me feel about myself and the other people involved, and I talked about it all the way home, so thought I'd write about that too.

That made me think about other things going on not only in my community, but also things related to stuff that will be happening this fall, that also could affect a lot of people.

Then they had an interview in one of the large cities in the US about something going on at a very sacred place, and it made my heart hurt. That made me think of the book, Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, wishing we would all read that book again.

That is what created the desire in me to write this, and even while writing, to have emotion about what I'm writing and how I'm writing, or not writing, because I realized that I can't really say anything of significance anymore because someone would think me a bigot, racist, elitist, fundamentalist, from the wrong political party and group of people, (oops, sorry if that offended someone).

So I hope all 3 of my followers are okay with the way I write today, in the hopes that I can vent, or rant as I've called it in the past, yet hopefully not offend anyone with anything I may say, er, write. I know this blog is vague and obtuse, but I guess that's where we currently reside in our global society, where any opinion anyone may have that anybody else may disagree with is not welcomed. So, I choose to write in this way, so I won't offend anyone with my opinion concerning anything. Have a wonderful day, unless of course something bad happens to you or your loved ones, then I hope your day is not so wonderful.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Little Brother Living

I'm prepping for my first message as chaplain, and have been living within the 15th chapter of Luke. The story of the prodigal God is an amazing story, and so I thought I'd just share some of my thoughts from it over the next couple of weeks as I'm challenged by the text.

I'm sure many of you are aware of the implications of this text, so I will spare you all the details, but want to focus on the dangers inherent for me that I'm realizing from my reading and study. I see some of me in the text. This text is really about heart, what it is that motivates me.

Little bro living, if I can call it that, is more than a story about a very indulgent, irresponsible kid, because I find some of him in me.

I remember when my dad was first diagnosed with cancer, living with the reality that not only was his tumor inoperable, but his life wouldn't last more than a year, short of a miracle. We were all reeling from this news, and its in moments like these that people say all kinds of things, most of which we can shake our heads at; except this one.

A well-meaning person, at least that's what I'll call them for the sake of argument, went to visit my dad in the hospital. In the course of their conversation, they proceeded to tell my dad that the reason he contracted cancer, was because there was unconfessed sin in his life. Well, my dad didn't know how to respond. He took that persons name to the grave with him, telling me this story without revealng who that person was. Where do statements like that come from?

I want to call it a result of little bro living, from this perspective. Too often in the church, we base our faith on our experience; did it feel good, was it pleasureable, do I feel better or worse about myself, does this confirm the life I live. etc. I'm not talking about sensuality, as much as I'm talking about a form of emotionalism that has invaded our churches. Maybe it's behind some of the worship wars that we find ourselves in, or the reason we respond to some preaching the way we do. I find myself too often complaining because the music wasn't my worship language, or the preaching was less then desirable for me.

It even translates into our thinking that our life should be without pain, sorrow, and struggles. I must admit some anger when my dad wasn't healed of his cancer. Why are some people, and he wasn't. My dad didn't deserve this, but in reality, who does?

I've heard it said that if I pay my tithe, that God can be tested and will never leave me wanting anything. Oh really? Or I've based how real my faith is on what I feel. Or I've believed that if God wants me to do something, it would "feel" a certain way. I've also believed that if we are sick, it's indicative of another issue in our lives, because God certainly wouldn't allow us to be sick if all was well.

Really? The Elmer Gantry's are alive and well in the church today, and people still flock to them. Don't think so, watch some religious TV, and that will take care of that.

There is an old Saturday Night live skit now, at least two years, where the answer for every problem, was just to "fix it". I've joked about that with friends, but I think we have allowed that to become a part of our personal theology, where we think God is just the great "fixer" in the sky. He is there to make me feel good, to meet my every need, and if I don't feel good, to fix what doesn't feel good, so all is good again.

Little bro living.

I don't want my faith to be based just on what or how I feel. Maybe for Wesley, that's why scripture is primary, and experience is secondary. I certainly don't want to fall into the same trap the little brother does, thinking it's about me, my wants, my desires, and getting what feels right at the moment. I'm glad there is another way.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Who's responsible?

I watched the news tonight, and felt bad for the many people in the northwest suburbs who were hit hard by this past weekend's storm. Many of their basements took on water, and their loss, in some cases, were pretty substantial. But I also listened to them ask for help in a town meeting; wondering when assistance would come from FEMA or the government to help them repair their homes. It made me wonder, who's responsible?

How have we gotten here, that when tragedy happens, as it often does, that we don't know how to help each other and ourselves anymore; instead, we look for a bailout. I know that may sound harsh, but I don't know what else to call it. Since when is it the governments responsibility to financially help us when our homes are hit by flood, tornado, hail, or other tragedy strikes? How have we gotten here?

I remember growing up, and if a flood would hit like this in our neighborhood, we would all come together to help each other out, and we would make repairs as we had the money to make them. I thought that was the normal way of doing things. When has it become anyone's responsibility, besides mine and our insurance company, to make the necessary repairs to anything damaged, least of all the government?

This all just seems rather odd to me. It's like we don't know how to take care of ourselves anymore. Does this strike anyone else as odd? I'm just saying.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

One minutes makes all the difference

I've heard it all my life, but probably never sensed it like I did yesterday. Standing in between these two walls, with the time right before the bombing, and the time right after engraved on those copper walls freezes that one moment, 9:02, for it seems like forever; well, for us it was 2 1/2 hours. Ever lived a minute for 2 1/2 hours?

It gave me a new perspective on the fact that one minute can
make a world of difference. Pictures say things like nothing else can, so I've posted some pics that were especially moving for us.

Monday, July 19, 2010

A Day to remember about a day to forget

We spent the morning at the National Memorial in Oklahoma City where the bombing took place in 1995. Can't believe it's been 15 years. From the reflecting pool to the chairs, it an experience that I can't begin to describe here. I'll post some pics tomorrow, and let them speak for us.

It's incredible to stand between those two walls, one with a 9:01 on it, and the other with a 9:03 on it, and stand in that moment, 9:02, for as long as you can. You get lost in the scene, reading people's names on chairs, set up in rows, representing those that were killed from all 9 floors. It's an emotion I'm not sure I've experienced in a while. It's somber, with hardly anyone talking once you enter that land between the walls, where today I lived one minute for 3 hours. 9:02.

After spending 3 hours there, not even noticing that it was 98 degrees at 10:30 in the morning, we headed to Leo's Barbecue. It's located at 38th and Lincoln Ave., and let me tell you, that was some eats. We split a 1/2 pound brisket plate, with beans, macaroni salad, cole slaw, and we finished it with their classic strawberry/banana cake; to die for. I know some don't think there is barbecue outside of Kansas City, just like we think there isn't pizza outside Chicago; but let me tell you, there is some great barbecue on Oklahoma City. Check it out.

Tomorrow we head for Dallas, and Terry begins to prep for her seminar. I'm planning on attending in the evenings with her, and spending some time by the pool with a book. Look for pics from today on tomorrow's posting.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chicago to Dallas, and back again

Well, we started another trip to Dallas for Terry's Mary Kay convention, and I thought it would be fun to eat at some out of the way places, and visit some places we've yet to see.

It all started today at Rock Cafe in Stroud, OK. You can check out Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives for more about this place, but apparently the owner and the restaurant were some design incentives for the Pixar movie, Cars. They have a signed poster in there from the producers from the movie. It's on old route 66 in Stroud, and just like in the movie with the new highway being built near the town, Terry commented that this place looks like it was dying. Well the town might be, but the restaurant wasn't.

Fried pickle wedges, alligator burger, and jagerschnitzel with spaegnel (never figured out what that was) were just some of the foods on our plates for this lunch. Sorry, no pics. We also had deep friend apples ala mode. Good stuff. Tomorrow we're going to the Oklahoma Citybombing memorial in , and Leo's Barbeque for lunch (another recommended stop from DDD). I'll let you know how lunch goes tomorrow, but as far as the Rock Cafe goes, Terry and I give it two thumbs up. Exit 179 off of 44 in Oklahoma, around 40 miles NE of OKC. Worth the stop; at least once in this life.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

An honest response to a broken city.

A harsh reaction from a city that is tired of losing. I'm not a Cav's fan, but here's hoping it spills over to our beloved Browns!

Cavaliers: Open Letter to Fans from Cavaliers Majority Owner Dan Gilbert

Not sure why a majority owner should be this bitter when they are the ones responsible for creating the climate and system in which the players and their lawyers operate. It is the nature of the beast, so Dan, as bad as I feel for Cleveland tonight, it's difficult for us to feel terribly sorry for any of you.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

I'm over it!

I'm over it! I don't care where Labron plays; don't care how much money Wade and Bosh make; don't care if they are all in Miami; I just don't care.

I'm over it. I'm over it because I don't like pro basketball; easy. I'm over it because I'm tired of what gets attention in our country. I'm over it because no one cares how they spend it, just where they play. I'm over it because they are all full of themselves; come on, an hour to announce where you'll be playing basketball next year. The sad thing, is that might have higher ratings then the world cup. I'm over it, even as I type listening to Wade talk about how emotional it was to walk away from Chicago, saying "you know, that's my home."

So I'm over it. Only 20 days til training camps open for the NFL.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Wall Street Journal Article

"The US needs the World Cup, the World Cup doesn't need the US." That's a line in a Wall Street journal article before the matches in this year's Cup began, related to the buying power and capital in the US compared to other countries, and our bid to host in 2018 or 2022. Is that a true statement?

I think that statement in itself is one of the problems with the stigma attached to the World Cup and FIFA by all Americans. Sure there was a flurry of activity and frenzy attached to this years team because of the way they were playing and finishing games, but now that we're out, I mean really, will we mourn this for four years like the Brits will? In my radio market, the top story this morning is about what Zambrano did in the Cubs dugout Saturday, not the soccer loss to Ghana. So, does the US really need to World Cup?

I say, no. I hope I'm not coming across as an arrogant American by saying that. The furor created by this year's Cup and the media hype was simply because we like cheering for an American team, I mean, this is like the Olympics on steroids; all of us cheering for one team, at one time, with one voice. How many times do we get to do that?

But now we move on: Cub fans get to mourn another year down the tubes, as they watch the White Sox surge, and they begin talking about next year, again; Bear fans wonder what this year will be like since they are picked pre-season to finish third in their division; from my sports perspective, I wonder how much Terrell Pryor will mature this year, with the eternal hopes of finishing a season undefeated, a feat we haven't accomplished since 2002? That's Ohio State if you're wondering.

See, the World Cup was fun sure, and I'll still watch through the knock-out round as a curious bystander, but does the US really need the World Cup? I watched a terribly missed call on goal in the England/Germany match, a brutal no-call on an off-side in the Argentina/Mexico match, and then listened to fans from both sides say, as purists, that's the way the game is played. Oh, how about getting the calls right?

Maybe during the fall of 2011 when the NFL is locked out, and World Cup qualifying is in full swing, we might care; but I doubt it, we will have college football.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Nuff said

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

P.S. Tweeting

I gave up tweeting for lent. Still trying to determine if that was sacrificial or not? But I couldn't give up e-mail, cause I know that wouldn't have been.


I'm just coming out of general church meetings this week, where there have been some incredible stories of the church being told. As much as we complain about the stagnating church in the US, the church is alive and well, and growing at rapid rates at places all over our world.

Stories like the one of a little girl that wandered into a church in the Philippines. She was naked, nameless, and it was obvious it had been a while since she had bathed. They found out that she was living in a burned out car with her drug-addicted mother, and father was not a part of her life. This church has not only clothed her and bathed her, they also gave her a name, Ella. For the first time in her young life, she had a name. Ella is now a regular at this church, and they are ministering to her mother, who is still a drug addict and living out of that broken-down car. Every week, they bathe Ella, and put a clean set of clothe on her. She is coming to understand that she is loved by a God to whom she has never been nameless.

I heard another story about the miraculous stories of redemption that are coming out of Haiti. When the earthquake hit, and people were scrambling for answers, they went to the village witch doctor for answers, food, and water. The witch doctor said that no god he could call on would be able to do anything about this, but they needed to call on the one true God that could be found in "that" church. "That" church happened to be the Nazarene church on the hill, that was still standing. The witch doctor went to "that" church with his whole family, and they all entered into a new relationship with the one true God.

Another church in Haiti was near one of the tent camps that are becoming common among the citizens of this island. 1000 of the people that are living in this particular refugee camp gathered around the church in that community, and after the service, 250 responded to the call for them to enter into new life found in the one called Jesus.

I heard missionaries from the Philippines share about how they are a part of a house church that runs about 25, that they hesitated starting because the oldest member is 17. He also happens to be serving as the pastor. Does he have his theology figured out; no. Has he been educated to know how to properly interpret scripture; no. But these missionaries said they know how to pray and who to pray to, and shared how God is using this group to reach their friends who live in their community.

As I was listening to these stories, and more, it made me wonder why we don't hear more like this in our church. I've watched our university students respond generously to the rising needs in Haiti, that won't go away any time soon, and know they want to be involved in something, want to give their life away, but find myself wondering if we give them anything to invest their lives in and to.

Sitting in church doesn't capture their imagination; stories of what God is doing does. Talking about missions doesn't motivate them to action; serving along side them does. Waiting until we leave the country to be involved in "real" missional activity is selling short the need and responsibility that is ours to reach across the street and back into our cities. These stories moved me, and I think you're no different than I am.

We need to learn ways to tell and create our own stories of faith. We need to make the stories come alive by making them local, not just something that happens "over there", but also happens here as well, when we look around. We also need to expose them to the opportunities that are presenting themselves to use their multitude of gifts in other countries to put in fresh water wells, help create small independent businesses, work as communication coordinators, IT supervisors, create computer support systems, teaching English as a second language, etc. The day of our students going to preach are diminishing, because we're raising a whole generation of indigenous pastors. But building contractors and medical professionals will be needed in Haiti for years and maybe decades.

Story. Telling the stories of God's faithfulness. Telling the stories of what God is doing in his church. Pointing this generation to a giveaway lifestyle that I believe they will embrace, if we just give them opportunities. How do we do this?

We tell the story, and let God speak to them about how the stories we tell are theirs to live as well. Like Kenda Dean says, they want to give their lives to something worth dying for, so their faith becomes something worth living for. I'm just wondering if the church is willing to tell the story and let them go to the places where God will take them. What do you think?

I love my church. It's time we tell its story.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So what does tweeting mean?

I don't need anyone to define what twitter is all about, I tweet, but I've just begun to wonder in the last couple of weeks what it means to tweet. Is it arrogant for me to think that you actually want to know what I'm doing every hour of every day? Is it selfish of me to promote things that I'm involved in, thinking you care too? I know what you might be thinking, that if I'm just now starting to ask these questions, then I'm really ignorant. Maybe I am.

I was caught up in the twitter craze like everyone else; I watched my followers grow; I even followed someone when I was confronted about not following him when he was following me. I'm wimpy, I know.

Like living to see everyone's facebook status changing on the live feed isn't enough, now I tweet. And as you well know, it's much more than just a "status update". Here's what happens in my twitter world.

I know when someone is hunting, when someone is at the driving range, when someone is in class, working on their resume, in an accident, or taking their kids to swimming lessons. But I also know when someone is publishing a new book, speaking about the new book being published, blogging about what they said at a speaking engagement about the book they're publishing, and talking on the radio about their blog, where they write about a time they spoke to a group from a new book they are publishing. Oh, by the way, his book is coming out in March.

I'm just not sure what tweeting means anymore. Is it purely self-promotion in its various forms, be it talking through various mediums about your book, or just letting someone know you just got off the toilet. Do I really want to know that?

I was scolded this week for tweeting while driving, which in my state is against the law, and they were right, I was tweeting while driving, thereby breaking the law. (Glad Terry doesn't read this, and if you're her friend on facebook, don't write on her wall, this will be our little secret, 'cause I guarantee you, I'm not tweeting about this blog, although maybe more people would read my blog if I tweeted about it; and then maybe I could write a book, and speak on a radio station about the time I spoke at a university about what the book I was thinking about writing, that I'm sure would be published, and then I'd have something to really blog about, huh?).

See what I mean. So, what does tweeting mean anyway? Man, do I feel better.

Thanks for reading, and, er, would you tell someone about this, maybe even tweet my blog address so they will start reading more of what I write. That would really make me feel good about myself and the time I just spent writing this blog.

Hey, that'll tweet! And it's less than 115 characters (or whatever that number is), yahtzee. See you in twitterland.

Friday, January 22, 2010

A Story of Giving

Our campus is no different than many groups of people all over this country, being moved by the scenes coming out of Haiti because of the earthquake. I know this is going to sound like I'm bragging, and I'm not, I'm just sayin'.

Because of this tragedy, we began to look at ways that our students could appropriately respond to the tremendous need represented now in Haiti. Last semester a student organization had already raised funds for the Haiti Water Project, a venture to build fresh water wells in Haiti. For every $4500 raised, a fresh water well could be placed in strategic locations to serve the community. They raised $2200 last semester. 100% of the proceeds go directly to this project.

They were pretty excited about that, so we decided to pick that up this semester to help address the present need. Our students were already familiar with the project, and it goes directly to where it is needed most. With the situation as it is on ground in Haiti, and no groups being allowed in for at least 6 months, we wanted to do something. This will be on our radar screen for the entire semester, and we already have an MIA trip planned there for March 2011. Serendipitous, we all know. That's just the way God works, isn't it? Anyhow, this week in chapel, we began to put the need, coupled with the project, in front of our students again. We didn't set a goal, we just decided to allow God to speak, and students to give as they felt led.

As of this morning, our campus has raised, in just three days, $9100, added to the $2200 raised from last semester, and we're just getting started. We did make the ask for each student to consider giving $10 throughout the semester, which would allow us to dig five freshwater wells, and as you can see, there is a reason we don't put caps or limits on what God can do in and through the lives of students. We have a running total, not a thermometer, because we are never done giving, are we?

We are an incredibly blessed country, university, and we've seen giving flow out of this blessing this week. So, in the midst of pretty lame statements being made by some, I believe in their hearts, well-meaning people, we continue to give, as the need continues to grow. We give out of our abundance, not a reaching down, but a reaching across to brothers and sisters who are no more deserving of this tragedy than we are, and no less deserving of basic needs than us either.

May God help us to never forget the less fortunate, marginalized, poor, disenfranchised, abused, neglected, and forgotten; who are recipients of the same gracious move of God their way as we are ours.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cleaning up God's messes

I'm sure you've all heard by now the comment made by Pat Robertson giving his reason for the earthquake in Haiti. If not, you can see it on youtube, under "pact with the devil". I don't want to comment anymore on his statement, but an observation from one of my students.

I teach a youth ministry class on Thursday nights, and we were talking about the theological constructs that are used for ministry, and how what people do and say gives us glimpses into their view of God. When talking about the Robertson video, he said:

"It was interesting to me that Pat Robertson believed God caused the earthquake as punishment for the Haitian people and their pagan beliefs, but at the same time was collecting money to send relief to them as well. Kind of like, God did this to them, but now we'll go in and clean up his mess. We'll rescue what God isn't willing to."

I thought that was very interesting.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I'm baack!

Okay, so I've been taking some serious, uh, let's just say stuff related to my lack of posting on my blog. I will blame it on twitter, although it has much more to do with my just being lazy, I guess. No better time to start again, at least for today, than by introducing you to the two newest members of my family.

No, Terry and I didn't get a dog, nor did the immaculate conception happen, our daughters each had a baby, 13 days apart. It's fun doing things in pairs, and Terry and I are already looking forward to Christmas 2010, with two one-year-olds, Jackson and Bradley, and one 3 1/2 year old, Brayden.

Well, here are the pics from today. See you again real soon; promise.