Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cleaning up God's messes

I'm sure you've all heard by now the comment made by Pat Robertson giving his reason for the earthquake in Haiti. If not, you can see it on youtube, under "pact with the devil". I don't want to comment anymore on his statement, but an observation from one of my students.

I teach a youth ministry class on Thursday nights, and we were talking about the theological constructs that are used for ministry, and how what people do and say gives us glimpses into their view of God. When talking about the Robertson video, he said:

"It was interesting to me that Pat Robertson believed God caused the earthquake as punishment for the Haitian people and their pagan beliefs, but at the same time was collecting money to send relief to them as well. Kind of like, God did this to them, but now we'll go in and clean up his mess. We'll rescue what God isn't willing to."

I thought that was very interesting.

1 comment:

Ryan McHone said...

Welcome Back!