Friday, August 20, 2010

The Seinfeld Post

I was sitting in my living room this morning watching the news, and there were some things being said that created some emotion to be felt by me. So I thought I would write about them.

The first concerns an issue that is affecting all of us, and many of us are currently concerned about, it really upsets a lot of us, and makes some of us very upset.

That made me think of something that happened in Walmart last night, that also ticked me off. I hate how it made me feel about myself and the other people involved, and I talked about it all the way home, so thought I'd write about that too.

That made me think about other things going on not only in my community, but also things related to stuff that will be happening this fall, that also could affect a lot of people.

Then they had an interview in one of the large cities in the US about something going on at a very sacred place, and it made my heart hurt. That made me think of the book, Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, wishing we would all read that book again.

That is what created the desire in me to write this, and even while writing, to have emotion about what I'm writing and how I'm writing, or not writing, because I realized that I can't really say anything of significance anymore because someone would think me a bigot, racist, elitist, fundamentalist, from the wrong political party and group of people, (oops, sorry if that offended someone).

So I hope all 3 of my followers are okay with the way I write today, in the hopes that I can vent, or rant as I've called it in the past, yet hopefully not offend anyone with anything I may say, er, write. I know this blog is vague and obtuse, but I guess that's where we currently reside in our global society, where any opinion anyone may have that anybody else may disagree with is not welcomed. So, I choose to write in this way, so I won't offend anyone with my opinion concerning anything. Have a wonderful day, unless of course something bad happens to you or your loved ones, then I hope your day is not so wonderful.

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