Saturday, October 04, 2008

. . . more thoughts today.

Can I throw something else in the hopper today. (Not like you can stop me, it's my blog)

I'm reading a book my friend wrote called, A Century of Holiness Theology, which is an historical look at what Entire Sanctification has meant to my particular tradition. Can I quote from a part of this book to add something to what I'm thinking about these days related to the church? (I know, I did it again, sorry)

The first quote is a warning from 1979 by Dr. Rob Staples, who was my theology prof at seminary. He is not speaking of universal creeds, but of our particular denominational creedal statements.

"Creeds are but the church's human articulation of the message of the Bible. . .The church (Nazarene in this particular reference) must keep alert to the priority of the gospel over the creeds. The church's demand for loyalty to the creeds must basically be a demand for loyalty to the kerygma." (parenthetical emphasis added)

He goes on to say; "Attitudinally, we must draw upon Wesley's 'Catholic Spirit' and reaffirm that when we cannot think alike we may still love alike, and when we are not of one opinion we are still one of heart."

May it be so for us.

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