Friday, June 01, 2007

Watched the spelling bee last night. To be perfectly honest, and not trying to sound cruel, some of my prejudices toward homeschool children were confronted, watching the finals. And at the same time, I was amazed by the depth of thought that I realized was bouncing around in the brain of that 11-year-old, who admitted he didn't really like this competition because it was just memorization, and didn't involve the dynamic and intrigue of working with numbers. Man do I feel dumb.

So the question for me is, what have I done today to better myself. Typically my mind goes to a variety of things that usually revolve around my work. But want to know what I did?

I had breakfast with a young lady and her family that are now missionaries, but our life with her began when she was in 7th grade, serving as her youth pastor.

I also golfed this afternoon. My life was enriched through spending time with old and new friends. It's been a good day. Simple by some standards; not busy by many, but purely good.

Even though I can write that, too often my life doesn't allow me to enjoy the things I have just written about, because I wasn't "doing" anything. Like when Terry and I were walking on the beach earlier this week, was I doing anything? Really?

I'm trying to relearn what that means. What is doing? Memorizing words, eating breakfast at Cracker Barrel, golfing on a warm June day, picking up stones on the beach with the love of my life. Doing is life. I think I did some this week, and it feels really good.


Jeremy said...

You did plenty.

Working this past week, I've seen your name A LOT in NYC plans. Are you ready to throw your weight around the exhibit hall? Show those pesky Nazarene schools just how much (or how little?) they can get away with! Your post below was great also. You're gonna be the coolest grandpa ever. I remember how much my dad smiled in the weeks and months after my sister had her baby, it's going to be great. Hope all is well back in the Bourb, we will see you shortly!

Beth Kring said...

It's amazing that it is when we discover the joy of the simple things in life that we are able to truly understand the depth of fulfillment! It sounds like your day was fulfilled!

We will be in God's country at Indian Lake the first two weeks of July look us up if you're there!

Pastor Terry said...

Dudes gonna be a grandpa! That's nuts! I watched the bee, too. Can you believe that kid is like a genius - composer and math craz! I thought of you today when I read the Newman (from Vandalia) passed away. I always remember you telling me how he found you cheap suits! haha - that's back in the day! Later bro!

Fred said...

First, I pose that the cause and effect relationship between nerdiness and home schooling is actually the reverse of your implication. That is, home school does not encourage nerdiness, rather the quality of nerdiness is recessively hereditary and therefore correlates with nerdy progenitors who, in turn, have a propensity for home schooling their offspring.

Second. Newman’s funeral is tomorrow at 10 am. At pastor Dan’s suggestion, I’ve ordered 100 harmonicas to be given as a reminder to those who will be willing to take up Newman’s mantle as a soul-winner.

Third, some think an act is valued only if it is remembered. If this is true, eating a Damon’s onion loaf has great value indeed.