Friday, June 13, 2008

Balancing piety and justice

Again, Foster has offered some good words for me today, and I thought I would pass them along. I think it helps bring shape to what I was trying to talk about yesterday.

"We can no longer allow people to engage in pious exercises that are divorced from the hard social realities of life. Nor can we tolerate a radical social witness that is devoid of inward spiritual vitality. Our preaching and teaching needs to hold these elements in unity. If our teaching is centered in the Biblical text, we will find literally hundreds of examples to follow."

Thanks again to Foster for helping bring some shape to me, and some of what I've been feeling this past year. I've ranted about just this issue, and what I see happening on a university campus when students get these two out of balance. He says this much better than I do.

Is justice to be a part of who we are, you bet. But not at the expense of our inward spiritual life. The opposite is true as well. Like it says in James, "faith without works is dead". Or Paul in Corinthians, when he talks about love being spoken without being lived as just banging on a drum. I'm praying that these words come to life for me today.

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