Thursday, October 18, 2007


I just read a book by Parker Palmer called, "Let Your Life Speak". It was recommended by Tony Jones in a class he taught here at Olivet in January. Thought I'd quote from a section on Autumn, since we appear to be finally changing seasons around here.

"In my own experience of autumn, I am rarely aware that seeds are being planted. . .But as I explore autumn's paradox of dying and seeding, I feel the power of metaphor. In the autumnal events of my own experience, I am easily fixated on surface appearances - on the decline of meaning, the decay of relationships, the death of a work. And yet if I look more deeply, I may see the myriad possibilities being planted to bear fruit in some season yet to come."

These seem to be good words to me today, when I struggle with my ability to trust (more on that later). It also may be good words for two of my friends I had conversations with yesterday. There's always more going on here. So, that being said, what are the possibilities that are just around the corner that we can't see?

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