Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'm getting a new perspective on what the church called, "Ordinary Days", because that's kind of what we're living. Maybe for some of you, that would be great, to live an ordinary day. So I'm feeling a little guilty about not posting for the 1-2 of you that read this, so now your trip to the sight wasn't a total waste.

I'll try and give you something more substantial next time, but after all these are ordinary days. Except when it comes to my new grandson. Don't really think I could write without mentioning him, do you. He's awesome. Terry calls him, minime, I'll let you be the judge. Until next time.


Anonymous said...

Jenelle and I agree with Terry! Amazing.

Our Adventure said...

There really are more than just 1 or 2 people that follow this so get with the program!