Thursday, April 23, 2009

NW Nazarene

I'm heading tonight to Boise, ID, and the regional event for NW Nazarene. Never been to that part of the country, and I'm looking forward to being with old friends, and making new friends.

I'll give you a full report. Pray for me that God communicate his heart as I have the privilege of speaking at their event, and in chapel for the university.

REPORT: Two of my new friends from the NW Regional event. I had a blast, thanks Ed for the invitation. My faith and confidence is always affirmed in our church when I'm exposed to the younger set. They can be trusted.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Concerned Nazarene

I just went to the web sight called, Concerned Nazarenes. I have heard a lot about it from friends, and wanted to go there to form my own sense of what it was about. Not sure I was able to do that, and here is why.

I don't doubt their love and passion for the church, it is shared by me and many others I know. I'm a fourth generation member of this great group of people called Nazarenes. We all love our church, and share our indebtedness to her. Does our church have issues and problems? You bet. Doesn't make me love her any less.

I do doubt the sincerity of the dialogue, because as far as I can tell, it isn't one. There is no where to post a response to what is written without being edited out if not agreed with. The sight is quite clear that this isn't the place to "debate" emerging church issues, to post disagreement with their opinion, so my question is, what is it?

So, am I to assume that those on the Concerned Nazarene sight have the theological debate all figured out? Is this an open dialogue or closed?

Am I to assume that there is nothing good in the emerging church movement? Have you read Dallas Willard's book, Divine Conspiracy?

Am I to assume that any form of spiritual formation and Christian practice that even predates the Roman Catholic church is heretical and/or New Age? Do you realize that if it weren't for the Monastic movement, the church as we know it and the reformation might not have happened?

Am I to assume that anyone who I may disagree with doctrinally has nothing to teach me?

As one who loves my church, am forever indebted to her, and believes in heart holiness, I also believe that this is against the Reformed and Wesleyan spirit our church is built on. So, I am doing what I was directed by those on the Concerned Nazarene sight, blogging about some of my concerns as a fellow Nazarene.

I don't lay claim to having all my theology figured out, but like one of my friends likes to say, at best I'm reformed, and at the least orthodox. I don't agree with Borg's assessment of scripture either, so on that I'm with you. But I have read Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, and Dallas Williard. Do I agree with everything they say, no. Not agreeing with them doesn't diminish their place in the conversation or in the body of Christ. My hope is that as I continue to grow, listen, read, learn, that we are as gracious with "them", as they are with "us".

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter in Michigan

It's been a long two weeks for our family. It's almost been two weeks now since Terry's mom has passed away, and a week ago was her funeral. It was a tough, long day.

With Terry in Phoenix for the better part of the month, I decided to come to my mom's for our Easter break. I did something from my bucket list, if I had one. I've heard everyone talk about Redamak's, a burger joint in New Buffalo, MI. So I stopped and got a burger. Not disappointed at all.

Also took some time out tonight to do some deer watching. Again, not disappointed at all. They are creatures of habit, and I was able to get pretty close before some crazies decided to chase them with their video camera. It has been a restful, fun 24 hours. It's always relaxing to come to mom's.

Three more weeks of school, and then we're out for the summer, crazy. Time flies when you're having fun, and as fast as this semester went, we must have had a blast.

He is Risen!!